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Part of the Ring of Fire, a region of the world subject to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions,[126] Colombia is dominated by the Andes (which contain the majority of the country's urban centres).
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The United Kingdom lies between latitudes 49° to 61° N, and longitudes 9° W to 2° E. Northern Ireland shares a 224-mile (360 km) land boundary with the Republic of Ireland.
Ghana has an array of wildlife that can be seen at zoos and national parks in Ghana, although populations have been drastically reduced by habitat loss and poaching.
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Nigeria's most expansive topographical region is that of the valleys of the Niger and Benue river valleys (which merge into each other and form a "y" shape).[93] To the southwest of the Niger is "rugged" highland.
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Botswana has diverse areas of wildlife habitat. In addition to the delta and desert areas, there are grasslands and savannas, where blue wildebeest, antelopes, and other mammals and birds are found.
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Panama's wildlife holds the most diversity of all the countries in Central America. It is home to many South American species as well as North American wildlife.
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The United States, with its large size and geographic variety, includes most climate types. To the east of the 100th meridian, the climate ranges from humid continental in the north to humid subtropical in the south. The Great Plains west of the 100th ...
Setlagole has a special place in the history of South Africa, as it
was here that the very first battle of the South African (Anglo-Boer)
War took place.
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